welcome home

Welcome to St. Sophia Liberal Catholic Church of Stockholm, Wisconsin.

Our parish welcomes people from all walks of life and belief systems. Parishioners have broad life experiences and come from a large surrounding area. We are the only Liberal Catholic Church in western Wisconsin and Minnesota.

St. Sophia is used as a community and gathering center as well as a house of worship, with large crowds for our annual Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas potluck feasts.
© Jay Olson-Goude


In an effort to keep everyone safe, we are not offering services during the pandemic. In the meantime, we have a weekly Zoom sermon series at 10 AM CST. Contact us at info@stsophiastockholm.org for more information.

During normal times, our service schedule is Mass at 10:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month and the prayer service of Prime on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. If there is a 5th Sunday in the month there is no service. Services are followed by coffee and a potluck lunch in the church basement.
© Jay Olson-Goude

The liberal catholic church

The Liberal Catholic Church is neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant but catholic in the universal sense. It honors and respects the truth in all world religions and has no particular belief requirements to become a member, only a sincere desire to better understand the meaning of one’s life and to increase in wisdom and spirituality.

The church offers all seven sacraments and welcomes all to Holy Communion, whether a member or not.

Liberal Catholic Church history is quite interesting. In 1870 a meeting of Roman Catholic bishops declared the doctrine of Papal Infallibility. A few bishops who did not accept this broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and formed the Old Catholic Church, so named as they held to the older beliefs.

The Old Catholic Church is still in existence, but in 1917 a reorganization of the Old Catholics in England resulted in the formation of the Liberal Catholic Church, so named because they allowed priests to marry (which was a very new idea at that time), to allow Mass to be said in the local language instead of Latin, and granted members freedom of conscience and belief. Many of the early founders were members of the Theosophical Society and the Church has retained much of Theosophical philosophy, primarily that humanity is on a spiritual evolution that will lead to higher forms of understanding and enlightenment. The Liberal Catholic Church exists to nurture and assist in that evolution for those who wish to work at it. For that reason, all forms of wisdom and learning are valued and shared.

© Jay Olson-Goude


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our act of faith

We believe that God is Love and Power and Truth and Light; that perfect justice rules the world; that all his children shall one day reach his feet, however far they stray. We hold the Fatherhood of God, the community of all; we know that we do serve him best when best we serve our neighbor. So shall his blessing rest on us and peace for ever more. Amen.
© Jay Olson-Goude

The Reverend Wallace Zick

The priest at St Sophia is Wallace Zick (aka “Wally”), a retired chemist who studies religion, philosophy, and science, believing, as Albert Einstein once said, that “science is the study of the mind of God.”

location + directions

We are located at N3036 Anker Lane in Stockholm, Wisconsin 54769 (4.5 miles NE of the Village of Stockholm near A to Z Produce and Bakery known for hosting a Pizza Farm Tuesday evenings during warmer months).

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© Midge Bolt
© Midge Bolt